Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Good problem to have

If you read my blog from yesterday, then you knew I was heading to town today.  Well, I have a good problem, but I must get it figured out!  It takes one hour to get to town, but in that one hour, you could essentially be in several towns.  We are in an amazing location to MANY large cities.  So, when I go to town, I rely solely on my lovely iphone GPS to get me where I need to go.  I actually know how to get to and from the grocery store without the GPS now, but everywhere else is quite confusing for me.  I mean, there are like 5 Wal-Marts, 5 Targets, 3 Michael's, 2 Panera Bread's, get the point.

I told you this is a good problem to have, but I am going to have to find "my" shopping center soon or I am going to go crazy.  I need to be able to go into a store and actually know where things are.  You know?!  We went to Michael's today, and I could not find anything.  The layout is totally different from "my" Michael's in Texas.  However, if I could remember locations and visit the same store each time, I would learn where things are inside of them.  It really is quite crazy!

It has been so interesting, really.  From Escondido to Los Angeles, the cities just run up on one another.  I can honestly not tell you where one ends and the other begins.  (Escondido and Los Angeles are 3 hours apart people!)  That just doesn't really happen in my area of Texas.  Of course, this is all the perspective of a person who has no sense of direction, distance, and no familiarity whatsoever with California!  Ha! Ha!

I will get it all figured out one day.  Come visit me in a year and I will take you to "my" stores and restaurants here in SoCal!

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