Thursday, January 7, 2016


I love our families!  I have always loved being with family.  As my aunt always reminds me, I was the small child who would cry and cry when it was time to leave my granny's house...EVERY TIME!  I am pretty much the same way today.  When I am with family, my heart is full.  When I have to leave family, my heart is sad!  This is why our moving across the country from Texas to California has been such a big deal.

We have tried to go back to Texas two times each year.  So far, this plan is working, but I already have anxiety about when this is not going to be the case due to THINGS and STUFF as our kids get older.  Ya know?!  (Okay, enough about that because it makes me want to start crying right now, and I need to  start school with my kids, not be a blubbering mess!)  Anyway, we just got back from our visit to Texas.  It was great!  We got to spend time with both of our families, and even though we didn't get to see everyone, I was definitely reminded how very blessed we are!  I mean, both Micah and I have amazing families.  Families that love us and care for us in ways we could never repay!  I often feel very guilty for leaving Texas and moving to California.  I feel like I abandoned the people that love us most. Then I pray, and remember that God moved us here.  He had a plan from the beginning, and even though it is TERRIBLY TOUGH to be away from family, we know that we are in a place where we can serve Christ by serving others, and that he prepared us for this.


With that being said, God is amazing in how he provides "camp family" for us too!  I love our Palomar "camp family" and truly feel like family with each of our staff here.  Ya'll, I couldn't live on a mountain 1 hour away from the grocery store and all of civilization if it weren't for this "camp family!"  We eat meals together, celebrate together, worship together, cry together...just do life!  It's good, and I am so very grateful each day for all of these that live and work here with us!

So, family...whether it's biological or not, it's important!  I am so thankful for a God who loves me and knows me better than I know myself.  A God that provides for needs that I sometimes don't even realize I have.  Thankful that God has given me so many to call "my family"!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Back to life, back to reality!

Back to life, back to reality...those are actually the only words I know to that song, but they will now be on repeat in my head for the remainder of the day!  (Sorry if they are now in your head too!)

Monday morning after Christmas break, ugh!  Who wants to get up and get back to life?!  I prefer to sleep in a few more hours and stay in my pj's all day, and watch more t.v., and eat more carbs, then fall into a coma...BUT, that cannot be!

We were up and out of the house this morning, without any notable whining!  That makes for a great day!  The kids are now at school for the day, and I have been sitting in our church's cafe for the past 2 hours planning for this week and catching up on all things!  It's now lunch time, and it is smelling really good in here.  I think that I should definitely order something healthy, since Micah and I are back on the  "healthy eating" plan today, but I don't WANT to.  I really just want that "Mama's Grilled Cheese" sandwich that has about 10 different cheeses and sourdough bread!  Yum!  I will get something healthy though.  I will.  I will, I really will!

Anyway, I hope that anyone who reads this silly thing had an awesome Christmas and a Happy New Year!  We certainly had a great break with family!  (I'll blog more about that soon.)  Here's to a Happy Monday back in reality!