This is home economics 101! Making scrambled eggs.
Yummy breakfast! I think my kids love that they actually get warm breakfast now. It was always granola bars or cold pop tarts in the car before!
Playing Disney Headbanz. If you do not have this game, you should. Very fun!
Fun times with Headbanz!
Awe, they actually do love one another! (Oh never mind, Grace is doing rabbit ears to Ben.)
And we played a game of Texasopoly! Grace is the BOSS at Monopoly and Texasopoly. She beats us every time.
I am just so grateful for the time I am getting with these kiddos, even if I have no clue what I am doing most days.
You might think this one is funny! Grace and I had this conversation the other day:
Me: Grace, do you learn anything in school?
Grace: Sure.
Me: I mean, do you think that you are going to keep being smart if I am your teacher?
Grace: (blank stare)
Me: Grace, I don't want you to be dumb! I want you to be smart and get a great job.
Grace: (blank stare)
Me: Grace, do you think you would be able to get a good job even if you continue going to school with me?
Me: Grace, I am so glad you are so smart!
Grace: (look of pity for her poor mother) It will be okay mom!
Love that girl!
I love it!!!!